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Suatu malam (31 Januari 2009 around +/- 21:23)

AZAH: "Hi Dr Adilah! My cat's flea has jump-away from my so-called-cellophane-tape-trap! Memang good jumper la kutu ni Dr."

Dr. ADILAH: Yeke? Hehe.. itula..memang susah. Takpun, try sikat bulu kucing awak.. nanti dia kuar. Dulu saya terpaksa spray dulu bagi flea tu pening-pening sikit. Tapi kang kucing awak yang pening plak"

Aku kene gigit dengan binatang ni!!

Gelikan? Atau anda tidak geli dengan binatang kecil kenonit ini? (Nota Kaki: kenonit tiada dalam kamus dewan)

This is a picture of a flea. In malay language, it is known as binjal. Tapi orang kita panggil kutu. But for me kutu and binjal are the same as long as dia melompat-lompat dan berada dikalangan bulu-buluan (maksud aku di sini adalah bulu kucing dan rerambut manusia hahaha)

Its characteristics:

1)They are ectoparasites (binatang-binatang kecil yang hadir di luar kawasan badan kita).
2)They are good jumper. Bukan jumper lakonan Hayden Christensen ye :P Able to jump 13 inches horizontally. Around +/- 32.5 cm
3)They are blood suckers (Neutrophillics)
4)Bla bla bla
5) dan banyak lagi. Mahu tahu? Klik sini.
6)Tidak puas hati dengan informasi di wiki? Anda bolehlah bertanya terus kepada Prof. Kadi atau Dr Fadlul atau Dr Adilah di fakulti saya ;))


Cerita bermula....

"....Momok! Cepat baring. Akak nak amik benda tu. Lab takde specimen kutu~"

"Meeoow. Meoooowww. Mmmmeeooww"

"Ala, baring ajelah. Kejap je ni..."

Perang dingin antara aku dengan Momok berlaku!

Dan akhirnya.... Aku dapat juga seekor! Mantap! Gemok!

Dan aku lenyek-lenyekkan di atas spell-tape selotep ala-ala Scotch-tape (selotep yang ditampal di atas kayu ice-cream) untuk digunakan menangkap Enterobius spp. larvae. Berjaya!!

Aku pun biarkan di dalam tandas. Finally, my work done!

.......Beberapa ketika.............

"Arghhh X-( !@#$%^&&** Kutu tu dah lari!!!"

Nota Kaki:

Momok adalah binatang yang berkaki empat berbulu panjang berwarna oren dan yang sangat chumell :D dan ia adalah kucing-ku

Sekian..yang lain...esok sahaja....

السلام عليكم

Today, our land has been violated by them! by Israelians! by Americans! and by those who are heartless! Not because of the diesel fuel! but because they hate Islam. They hate Muslims! They hate every single things about Us! It happened a long time ago between the year of 1897 when they started to build an organization known as Zionism and 1947, they started to declare the existance of Land of Israel (meaning that they already violated Muslim people). Unfortunately, we didn't know! (maybe some already knew). Why? Because we don't know the history (itu la, suruh belajar sejarah, pergi ponteng kelas). Because we don't care to bother. Because we are busy with ourselves, our properties without thinking about our ummah. Here are all of the facts that we as Muslims should know. DON'T drag your cursor to the X sign. I want to borrow your eyes, your time for a moment. Please, I'm begging you and I'm asking you to read, to understand why they do this to us.

Nota Kaki:
1) I'm writing these in English doesn't mean that i love them. It is just a matter of fact that i want all of them (who are accidentally came to this page) to READ and to KNOW!
2) Sorry with my grammar thinggy as i wasnt focus during my grammar classes few years back (hahaha;)))
3) Correct me if I'm wrong (you know where to write)


"من أصبح لا يهتم للمسلمين فليس منهم"

Sesiapa yang bangun pada pagi hari dan tidak ambil kisah mengenai umat Islam, dia bukan sebahagian daripadanya (riwayat Al-Baihaqi dalam Shuab al-iman, at-Tabari, Abu Nua'im dalam Hilyah & al-Hakim)

Mahukah kamu menjadi "sebahagian daripadanya?" Tidak, bukan?

The Ultimate Threats of Islamic Aqidah & Principles

ولن ترضى عنك اليهود و لا النصرى حتى تتبع ملتهم

((سورة البقرة : ١٢٠))

"Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka..."


3 Religions (Samawi):





Facts about Jews / Yahudi

•Prophets – Yaacob to Musa AS
•Albert Enstein
•Karl Max
•Sigmund Freud
•Yossi Benayoun

Who are they?

1) They believe there are the chosen ummah
2) They think they are born to be leader of the world
3) They are intelligent and intellectual in nature
4) Other bangsa’s must show high respect towards them

Facts on number:

•1.4 billion Muslims
•14 million Jews
•Since 105 years ago, 15 jews won the noble prize and Muslims only won 3

Introduction about them:

Jews = Originate from Yahouza, 4th son of Prophet Yaacob AS
Israel means ‘You have beaten the God’ awarded to Yaacob by the Jew’s God named Yahwed

Their Teaching:

1) Jews are the true owner of The Holy Land
2) Jews are sons of Allah
3) Jews are the selected ummah
4) Gentiles are their slaves
5) The ends justify the means
6) There is no afterlife

7) God cried after the destruction of Haikal Sulaiman and the tears fell onto the earth to become earthquake & volcanoes
9) Heaven is made for the Jews, Hell is made for Gentile
10) God gives the right for the Jews to rule the world
11) Disrespect the Messengers

Their Ideologies & Holds


1) Taurat:
Muslims & Jews believe in Taurat
(Surah Al-Maidah : 44)

But, are they (Taurat) the same?

•• Rewritten 568 BC
•Holy Land was conquered by Nebukadnezar, the ruler of Babylon
•Haikal Sulaiman was destroyed and they were put into slavery
•Various style of writings
•Only few with the pure ibrani style of writing
Proven to be rewritten 700 years after the death of Musa AS

Therefore, they (Taurat) are not the same!

2) Talmud

Refers to : ‘The teachings’

3) Cabala

•Very little to be known
•Rituals & black magic

4) Zionist Protocols

-Latest doctrine (1897)
-Compilation of Taurat, Talmud & Cabala
[Confidential (Rules & Strategic Planning)]

Leaked in Russia 1901 - killed nearly 10000 Jews immediately
Every single book disappeared less than 2 days

Leaked in Arab countries and...
The Prime Minister said:
“ There is nothing to worry because Arabs don’t read. If they do, it will only for their personal intention”

Why they are so eager to attack Palestine?

Because they are so eager to conquer the land!


Palestine :

1) Center of the world-link 3 continents –Europe, Asia and Africa

2) Many people came to this place because of its strategicity, and so Prophet Ibrahim

3) During Isra' Mi'raj: It is the shortest route to go "up"

Maksud lain: Masa Isra' Mi'raj, peristiwa itu berlaku di Masjidil Aqsa. Mungkin akan ada yang bertanya: "Kenapa tak naik dari Mekah sahaja?" Ada yang berpendapat: Bumi ni sfera, mungkin Aqsa tu terletak di pusat bumi atau pun di penjuru bumi, yang mana jarak dari bumi ke langit merupakan jarak yang terdekat. Sebab itu lah al-Aqsa ni dipilih oleh Allah untk menjadi tempat bermulanya mi'raj. Tapi, ini sekadar pendapat. Kuasa Allah, kat mana-mana pun boleh kalau Allah mahukan.

And now, we learn something based on their flag (udang disebalik mee batu)

Facts about their flag:

2 lines= furat river and nil river (where Palestine located in between these rivers)

5 angles for the star: resembling their objectives which are:

i) Destroy everything except Jewish Values
ii) Eradicate Palestinians and form Israel (1948)
iii)Occupy Baitul Maqdis (1967)
iv)Build Haikal Sulaiman at the ruin site of Masjid Al-Aqsa
v) Conquer the world

Nota Kaki: Haikal Sulaiman= THEIR holy place

Their Plans:

1)Eliminate Khilafah Islamiyah
2)Destroy Al Quran
3)Destroy Muslims Aqidah with entertainments (Akademi Fantasia Dongengia, Malaysian Idol, OIAM, Cak-cak bom bersama A***L(?), bla bla bla)
4)Destroy Muslims unity (Negara Arab sendiri tak bersatu)
5)Bring doubts among Muslims towards Islam (Murtad cases)
6)Weakens the Arabs
7)Separate Muslims from entrepreneurship so they will be highly dependent to western products (MAC, Nestle, KFC, McD, Starbuck bla bla bla)
8)Destroy their women as they will destroy the rest

What have they (Jews and Christian) done to Muslim ?

1. Establishment of Investigation Court in Islamic Country
kills and tortures all the rebellious muslim by :
-burn alive
-dry in the sun
-drag on the thorn wire

2. In Ethiopia
Under Hailasilasi Administration :
-Make compulsory to all muslim to bow in front of government officer
-Violation on women
-Burn alive

-Close all islamic school and establish christian school

-Seize all the muslim lands
-Build church in every province
-Expel islamic scholars

The Strength of Islam

Former PM of Britain said that, : “ As long as muslim follows the Al - Quran, West will never conquer the East”

“ The number of muslim not declining since its appear in Makkah , their followers increase by time” said Asy’iya Bouman

Why muslims are weak?

•Quantity vs Quality
•1,476,233,470 Muslim
•Only 14,000,000 Jews
•Yahudi : Muslim ( 1:100 ) – Quantity
•Yahudi : Muslim ( 100:1 ) – Quality
•Why these happen? Education and knowledge

(Sedarlah wahai teman!)


•57 members of OIC =500 universities (none of them are currently in top 200)
•USA = 5,758 universities
•India = 8, 407 universities

•Finished school
• - 98 % - developed country
• - 40 % - Muslim country

•Enter University
• - 40 % - developed country
• - 2% - Muslim country

•230 per 1 million – Muslim country
•4000 per 1 million – USA
•5000 per million – Japan

•50 per 1 million – whole Arab
•1000 per 1 million – developed country

These are what they said:

“Miriam the hairdresser, had sex with many men”
- Talmud

(Explaination: They allow their women to do free sex with other than Israelians, while they are forbidden to do free sex among them. So while having free sex, they are transferring the HIV viruses to US (those who are stupid I mean..) Then, they (the stupido) transmitting the viruses to their wife and finally affecting the generations. So and so and so...)

The only way to build our own country is to defeat the Khilafah”
- Theodore Hertz, founder of Zionism

“3 weaknesses of today’s muslim, they don’t study their history, they don’t plan, and they are lazy
- Moshe Dayan, Former Israeli Defense


"...ramai yang bangkit menunjuk perasaan, melontarkan cemuhan terhadap Israel La'natullah alaihum, berkumpul dan menunjukkan bantahan...
Alhamdulillah ini adalah rahmat Allah yang ingin membangkitkan gergasinya yang lenamengembalikan matahari selepas gerhana

Namun, persoalannya, atas dasar apakah kita bangkit?
Ramai berapat umum, berdemostrasi tetapi atas dasar apakah perkumpulan itu?
Ingatlah perkumpulan atas dasar ISLAM sahaja yang akan kekal dipelihara Allah SWT

Bukannya kita sekadar berkumpul dan berdemostrasi menyatakan kebencian hanya kerana sifat perikemanusiaan sahaja, maka samalah BENCI kita Muslimin dengan BENCI bukan Muslim di UK, US, dan lain-lain. Hanya dibina atas perikemanusiaan bukan menyedari ini adalah PERMASALAHAN AKIDAH KITA..
Lihatlah realiti kita

"JAHANAM YAHUDI, JAHANAM ZIONIS!!", tetapi selepas berdemostrasi, kembali kepada kehidupan asal dengan ROKOK, PERKARA MELALAIKAN, dll
"JAHANAM YAHUDI, JAHANAM!", sehingga terlepas solah kerana keletihan berjahanam
"JAHANAM YAHUDI, JAHANAM!", tetapi habis barang awam dijahanamkan sekali...rosak atau dikotorkan. Jadi seperti yang saya katakan tadi, marilah kita berkumpul dan bersatu atas dasar aqidah dan iman ,bukan atas dasar emosi dan sifat perikemanusiaan biasa sahaja, yang mana tidak akan kekal perkumpulan itu." ... mhuno.

"I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries," Obama said, according to a White House transcript. "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy." Said Obama to with the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya Network today.

Selagi tentera Amerika dan Israel dan keluar dari Gaza, selagi tu aku tak percaya!


اقول قولي هذا و استغفرالله العظيم لي ولكم، والله غفول رحيم

Nota Kaki:

1) Ini sahaja yang dapat saya sajikan. Tak banyak, sikit sahaja. Saya tidaklah layak untuk berkata-kata.Akhir kata, saya minta ampun kalau bahasa yang digunakan kasar.

2) Copied & Pasted Articles from : mhuno, sob, geg.

3) Slightly edited version: me based on lecture

4) Thanks to all who had help me in finishing it either directly or indirectly.


yang lain, esok sahaja....


7:19 PM 6 contengan


"FYI,akak kan nak kawen x lame lagik..dlm bln 8 gitu...semestinya kawan2 baik dayah akan turut diundang~akan tetapi~ewaahhh...heheh...klu azah free..akak nak azah tolong amikkan gmbr time mjlis akak nnt..."

but, a silly reply i had gave to her...

"Tapi azah bukan wedding photog. azah photog bebas (poyo!) takut rosak gamba"

Orang dah bagi chance, aku gi tolak pulak. Akan tetapi....setelah di-slow-talked oleh kak ila dan dayah...

akhirnya... aku terima!

Bila cerita kat kawan2, body languages mengatakan "boleh ke budak ni buat?"

Nota Kaki:

1) Kak ila jangan risau, i'll try my best :D

2) Start buat reseeeeaaarrrccchhh!! weeee! :D

3) Jenkay, aku pinjam sat gamba tunang eh :p

Eid-ul-milad ilayya! (Happy Birthday to me!)

22 tahun sudah saya hidup di dunia yang fana ini. Tapi rasanya baru beberapa tahun yang lalu saya tahu akan kenapa saya hidup kat dunia ni. Before we were born into this world, every muslim had sworn themselves to Allah on the day they declared themselves as muslims. Yeah! to be a caliph!

Dan semoga aku menjadi lebih matang, lebih bijak, lebih kuat, dan yang penting sekali adalah menjadi lebih beriman...

Banyak benda yang aku inginkan selain daripada apa yang aku bebelkan di atas, antaranya: (part ni materialistic sket :p)

1) Belajar dengan penuh tekun dan lebih bersemangat lalu graduate dan menjadi seorang Doktor Muslimah yang berjaya dunia akhirat @-)

2) Bertunang dan terus bernikah :">

3) Memenuhi apa yang telah aku azamkan suatu ketika dulu (masa tamhidi a.k.a matrix dulu) - biarlah hanya aku dan bagi mereka yang masih ingat sahaja tahu :-$

4) Memiliki sebuah zoom lens atau pun macro lens (aaahh bes nya kalaw betul2 dapat) =P~

5) dan lagi.. dan lagi.. dan lagiiiiiiiii

6) Oh dan tidak dilupakan, akan aku kumpulkan duit untuk membeli sebuah Mini Cooper S 8->
7) dan lagii. Berusaha menjadi photog yang hebat seperti mereka dan kamu!


1:48 PM 10 contengan



Lamee dah nak post gamba ni tapi tak ter-post post rosak bahasa. maaf encik dewan dan pustaka :p

Sebagai bukti address lama masih melekat dan aku takde lak save dalam bentuk photoshop file adeh

Nama teknik: O.O.B aka out of bound technique

Nota Kaki:

1) Pokok nyok a.k.a pokok kelapa ni ketot jee hehehe pluss takde nyok pon ehh ke ni pokok pinang ha?? ekekeke ;))

2) waktu niii aku mentally immatured hahaha tapi sekarang dah matured. Jangan risaw. Tak buat lagi dah perangaiii ni hahahaha

Besar sungguh gua gelap ittuu


1:31 PM 2 contengan


Semalam emo siket, tapi hari ni, tidak lagi!


"Azah balik mana cuti raya ni?"

Balik mana? Balik rumah la "Err..Balik kampung saya"

"Kampung kat mana?"

"Kat Bangi je" Ohh kampung la sangat



Teringin nak shooting kat sawah padi. Orang Utara panggil bendang.

Duduk kampung mesti best kan? (tapi tanak jadik kampung girl sangat, takut cultre shock)

Kalawlah kat Bangi ni ada sawah padi.. (tak mungkin!) hahaha ;))

Nota Kaki:

Perbualan tu berlaku sekitar nak dekat raya aidilfitri yang lepas :P


8:50 PM 17 contengan

Semalam mid-sem result keluar.

Hampa. Kecewa. Sedih.

1 paper failed. Community Health (CH).

Mungkin ada yang akan kata macam ni (Ya! memang ada pun!)

"Ala, CH je. Apa nak risaw2 sangat"

"!#%^((. Aku taw la aku tak pandai macam kaw"

Walaupun nampak simple, tapi... hanya Allah je yang tahu

Start study CH awal, lagi awal dari subjek-subjek yang lain (Patho, Pharmaco, Parasite, Microb) tapi kenapa failed?

"Orang yang COUPLE result mereka lagi cemerlang. Perlukah aku ber-COUPLE seperti mereka?"

Aku tujukan soalan itu kepada Nadi, kuliah-mate aku merangkap kawan aku juga.

"Orang yang berzina senang nak melahirkan anak, tapi susah nak mati"


Moga Allah membantu aku dunia dan akhirat... Ampuni aku Ya Allah Ya Rahmaan Ya Rahiim!

Kadang-kadang aku tak faham mengapa mereka yang sudah lulus tapi masih bersikap "teruk la result aku" padahal, result: 4A's as no one got A in CH hahaha ya, lantaklah hal mereka tapi annoying as they said those things in front a failure like me.

Ya Allah, ampunilah mereka.

Tapi aku harus ingat, aku masih perlu bersyukur, ada lagi yang failed 2-3 paper. Alhamdulillah, aku kene tingkatkan usaha.

Psst: Terima Kasih kepada mereka2 yang mempunyai dSLR sebab dah "mengkritik" dan "mengutuk" aku belakang2 tentang "gamba2" aku. Ruang mengomen sudah disediakan tapi...Tak apa, aku akan berusaha lagi.

At least aku berusaha.... mungkin mereka fikir mereka sudah hebat...tetapi ada yang Maha Hebat.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Palastenians..

Nota Kaki:

1)Yes i'm a failure, but not forever! Aku takkan hampakan orang disekeliling aku! Never!

Split-Toning Effect

2)To Khairunnie, cepat2 hospitalise ur "honey" hehehe


11:06 PM 7 contengan

Salam dan Selamat Malam

First of all, Happy New Year !!! Apa azam kawan-kawan? Azam saya?
Nak bring-foward azam-azam yang lepas hehehe :P

Cuti ni memang malas nak hapdate (Proper word: update). Ini saja yang dapat saya sajikan pada minggu ini

Nota Kaki:
Bajet nak buat B&W as Ted Grant said “When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls!” -DCMag

tp rasa macam this life is so colorful! so color makes me happy :)

Being sooo lucky! lucky! lucky! to have this shot! Thanks Bro!

Malang! I brought my EF 28-105mm je while 55-200mm left in the hotel! :(

Tried to shoot RAW. Yeah satisfied :D (Thanks Haaziq for the tips!)

Cuba tengok carefully, from right to left: perut yang bunting, tangan, breast, face parts. Kagumkan? Subhanallah! Inilah Pulau Dayang Bunting. Aku baru tahu what the Pulau Dayang Bunting means for

Tak hebat mana pun gamba-gamba ni. Hanya menekan punat dan menangkap apa yang mem"pleased"kan saya. Saya gembira. Kamu?

Nota Kaki:

Berkenalan dengan shooter baru, tapi lupa nak amik no phone hahah teruk tol!