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6:33 PM 8 contengan


Sejak akhir-akhir ini, sangat kemaruk mahu tengok cerita Nur Kasih yang pada awalnya sangat tidak mempunyai hati untuk menonton tivi (mane tak nyeee, tv kat asrama pon takde heheh). Tanpa diduga dan tak disangka-sangka TERtengok episode yg ke 13 lalu terasa macam aku pula yang menjadi watak Nur Amina hahahaha lalu sanggup meminjam id dan password kawan untuk upload melalui kohkohkoh ok ok enaf2...

Iklan seketika...

Oh. Dulu ku sangkakan Internal Medicine merupakan posting yang biasa-biasa. Sebab cita-citaku mahu menjadi Cardiothoracic surgeon ala ala Dr Ryu (dongengan semata-mata). So i thought Medicine is like learning pathology and pharmacology back but i'm wrong. Tapi disebabkan ada title surgeon di belakang itu, maka, saya rasa mahu meletakkan takhta itu kerana saya tidak meminati surgical posting yang saya lalui sekarang ini. Bukan kerana saya perlu belajar anatomy (saya minat anatomy sebab i was dreaming of becoming an Anatomy lecturer hahaha berangan!) tapi.....

Surgery hanyalah surgery pada saya (Buat sementara waktu ini)

Aku sangat menyedari akan perubahan yang berlaku pada diri ini. Ward round dah 3x tak datang. Oh.

Iklan seketika..... Will be right back after the commercial break...

Mungkin aku tak boleh tengok keadaan-keadaan yang invasive berlaku pada patients di ward. Yeah, aku hanya mampu pejam mata sahaja (tapi tengok cite hantu cool lagi hahaha) sambil muka berkerut-kerut menahan kesakitan yang dialami

Tapi aku suka Prof Rohaizak and Mr G. They all make me want to be in this posting


Internal Medicine is waayyy sssooo cool (so far lah)

Rasulullah SAW said, "If anyone continually asks forgiveness, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, relief from anxiety, and will provide for him from where he never realized." [Abdu Dawood, Hadith 599]

Paper Notes:

1) Dreaming is a way to pursue you future life :)

2) Oh ya, esok ada case presentation, tapi aku ada case carbuncle aje... Case write up pun tak start lagi..... isskkk

Selamat Berbuka Puasa. (Selamat yaa jangan sampai tercekik huhuhuu)

(8) Comments

  1. Sop On September 3, 2009 at 2:56 AM

    rule#12 of blogging - necer reveal your sins e.g. ponteng rounds. lecturers read students' blogs you know.

    rabbit apa nama?

    azaHmaeL On September 3, 2009 at 6:00 PM


    Sop: how about rules 1-11? hehehe alamak ye ke?? no kot.i guess your blog je kot hehehe :p

    psss: those rabbits were not mine. i took it when i was at bukit tinggi :) bobo kot nama derang :p

    nuarasheeq On September 3, 2009 at 6:26 PM

    cop: pe cite rabbit ko skang? dah beranak cucu dah?
    azah:wait till family medicine posting. inspiring specialist. holistic..this word really fit the field well

    azaHmaeL On September 3, 2009 at 8:02 PM


    Sop: cicit dah kot hahaha :p

    anuar: kalaw die dah takde (pindah ke) camne? family medicine-> lambat lagi huhuhu

    Anonymous On September 3, 2009 at 10:51 PM

    salam, n3 yg dinanti x sia2.. ad rabit yg comel sgt..
    igt cte pets.. iklan je..

    n i c e :)

    azaHmaeL On September 4, 2009 at 8:39 AM


    syfq: huahah entah rabbits sesapa tah dah diupah jadi model kali ni :p

    Ndea Anuar On September 6, 2009 at 10:12 PM

    hentahnyer....citer sal rebit seciput pon tade...

    dear, I really think IM suits best for u n ur bookworm peers...

    not for us the lazy bums. haha. we prefer watching those surgeons cutting fleshes in the OT. being splashed by blood in the face excites us more....fiu...

    azaHmaeL On September 7, 2009 at 12:03 AM


    Ndea: model iklan je rabbit tu hahaha

    hahah OT best tp i'm too old for tht. dah osteoporosis dah aku nak diri lame lame hahahaha :p


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