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Converted by Falcon Hive

Salam (^^) Howwweeyy!

For the first time after 6 years, I have a chance to celebrate Hari Raya without books (I didn't write totally without books, still with books because I wanna finish my CWU at least lah!) eventhough I have exam in 2 weeks time hehehe selambe ajeee

Nah Asyura! Aku dah upload ekekekek :p

ps: Sorrylah Anap, inilah sebabnya aku sexist genderist


1) Banyak pula gambar hehehe
2) Susah nak dapatkan gamba candid. Why? Because we have antennae and able to detect the camera ;))
3) Esok last day raya sakan! (^^)
4) Esok dah kena balik Temerloh (T.T)

(15) Comments

  1. Anonymous On September 27, 2009 at 12:10 AM


    nice! c.a.n.d.i.d chantekk.
    terserlah kenaturallannye..

    selamat pulang

    appy stdyng ^_^

    azaHmaeL On September 27, 2009 at 12:23 AM


    syfq: malangnya, semua ade sensor towards the camera hahaha (^^)

    Sop On September 27, 2009 at 5:14 AM

    mak aih candid tgh menyuap makanan pn ada.

    Syud Ridzuan On September 27, 2009 at 9:16 AM

    kawan2 sekola rendah. suke :D

    azaHmaeL On September 27, 2009 at 9:27 AM


    Sop: heheh yg tu je membe tak sempat nak ready ZzzzzAAas pantas! heheheh :P

    Syud: selamat hari raya syuuudd :D sekolah menengah syud (^^) + sekolah rendah juaa ;))

    FM On September 27, 2009 at 11:50 AM

    jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous!!!!!!!

    hahaha selamat hari raya azah! and to the rest juga :)

    azaHmaeL On September 27, 2009 at 12:50 PM


    FarahMexx: opppss!~ hehehe :p cepat balik raya kat mesia. i'll wait! (^^)

    Anonymous On September 29, 2009 at 9:20 PM

    erm, bole taw azah gne camera ap? Nikon D50 ke?

    azaHmaeL On October 1, 2009 at 2:36 AM


    syfq: d90. nape eh? sori lah lambat reply, sini coverage lambat sket hahaha

    Anonymous On October 6, 2009 at 6:52 PM

    ad ek D90..
    kwn gne D50 pn da lawo, ap kn lg D90.. kott
    xd ap, pic nye lawo tu yg tny camera ap gne..

    ohh, itsokay la lambt pn xpe :)

    Faridah On October 9, 2009 at 5:14 AM

    I wish all ex 3 ikhlas were here..miss all of you guys ;)

    OMP On October 15, 2009 at 11:19 PM

    to syfq: org y amek gmbr tuh terer senarnyer.. bg la kat dier kamera caner pun, for sure lawa la.. hehehe..

    good luck utk exam!

    aku nak luah perasaan sket.. aku pun exam dah nak dekat.. bukan takat tuh je, final project 1st phase tak lengkap lagi, viva nex week, supervisor kawan y lain kate kertas projek 30ms pun dah byk, supervisor aku tgk aku nyer kertas projek 40ms, dier kater "nipisnya, sy mintak paling kurang 80ms, byk tak lengkap nih" & mintak prototype... pastuh 1 lg projek pun nex week nak kene present, softwarenyer byk lagi tak siap, lecturer lecture nak wat software time minggu2 last, minggu awal2 dier lecture teori kanak2 berlambak tol, tuh y keje nak wat tuh after mid sem baru start.. .. notes utk exam tak wat lagi.. subjek sunnah lak dari rujukan BM, tukar rujukan BA/BI, buku nyer tak jumpe, kat website lib kater ade, tgk kat rak, takder pun.. hadis2 byk tak jumpe lagi, lagikan nak hfl.. gmbr dah kat 1k tak tgk balik.. project kelas photo akhirnyer siap, lega sket, fed up gak ngan lect, bukan nak citer awal2 caner nak edit kalo nak print 18 X 24, dah baper minggu dok edit 1 gambar je..

    sori kaco page.. tgh tensen.. :P

    azaHmaeL On October 16, 2009 at 11:23 PM


    OMP: erk! mana ade terer hahaha btw, sabar omar~ inilah dinamakan student life. standed la tu, tp aku yakin kaw leh buat~ arab kaw kan berabuk. tak sama macam arab aku, habuk pon tanak melekat hahaha :p daya ingatan kaw kuat~ boleh nyer. kaw kan anak kesayangan ustazah masa zaman kecik2 dulu :D

    semoga berjaya! jangan putus asa~

    OMP On October 17, 2009 at 4:57 PM

    bertambah fedup aku.. lecturer msg aku kater kawan dier y nak tolong printkan gambar besar tuh gi kursus.. suruh aku print sndrik.. pg td lak tuh baru bitau.. maner kedai bukak ari nih.. dah tuh isnin dah nak kene tayang.. aih.. seb baik dier bg kelonggaran kater selasa je tayang.. ye la, dier gak y salah.. kalo bitau semlm takper la lagi.. penat aku pusing satu bangi nih cari kedai banner.. huhuhu..

    azaHmaeL On October 17, 2009 at 8:35 PM


    OMP: tutup laa.. kaw bukak printing company sendiri lah hahaha rilek2, tengah diuji tu :) ceria ceriaaa


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