Salam alayk.
Selamat datang ke blog baru saya :-) blog? I should say photoblog i guess :-). Ahlan wasahlan! Welcome!
Mesti ramai yg tertanya-tanya (itu pun kalaw ada yang bertanya lah) Kenapa migrate from my previous photo website which is to here ? Ade la beberapa reasons tapi takde la banyak sangat. Nak kata rajin... tak jugak. Semangat kot! Chicken's poo spirit~ (semangat taik ayam!)
1) The account storage is too small ( not too small as u imagine it but...) it said that it is unlimited but it somehow still limited as up till one moment it wont allow any entries to be posted. so i should say that it is limitable.
2) Fotopages adalah milik israel. tak suke! tak sukeeee!! maaf. ter-emo pulak huhuhu
3) Mistaken. I thought that only those people who has the blogspot account can leave comment(s), rupa-rupanya, anyone can. so i am pleased :)
4) no further reason.. heheh
well, enjoy! jangan segan-segan nak tinggalkan jejak di nota kaki atau pun di contengan
once again, Welcome!
nota kaki:
1) akan ku import semua gamba-gamba dari webbie lama :) ENJOY
2) chicken's poo spirit this word doesnt even exist in the dictionary or encyclopedia hahaha