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We need to appreciate people around you...

...Including me.

Because one day, they will walk away without you noticing it...
... & I will die one day...

and you will realize it when they are I'm gone

Thank you

Less than 84 days to go. Super-nervous.

Baru setel 2nd last major posting which was surgery and orthopedics postings. Next week start with Anesth and Emergency postings followed by the very last posting which is Paediatrics. Paeds? Eurgh!

Last posting memang posting yang paling grrr nebes dan tensen tahap dewa. Aku tak tahu kenapa tapi I could feel the difference compared to previous postings. Seriously, tak tahu kenapa. Aku jadi manusia yang paling mengelabah (ok aku memang dari azali ade darah gemuruh) tapi this time, nauzubillah, seriously aku tak boleh nak control. While waiting for my turn, terasa macam nak pengsan!

Aku doa untuk jadi manusia yang paling tenang waktu tu. 

Treett Tett (bunyi sms):

"Ada case rectal proplapse, yada yada yada" 

What? Rectal prolapse? Demm!

Emergency revision.

Tapi Alhamdulillah aku tak dapat case tu. Breast Ca stage 4 with bone and brain mets untuk long case. Alhamdulillah lagi sekali aku dapat control nebes aku bila berhadapan dengan Dato. Semua dia tanya, alhamdulillah dapat dijawab walaupun aku tahu jawapan aku salah sehingga Dato sendiri kata "You are so confident. Go back and check" hahahah sengal kan? Tapi bila anda confident, setakat soalan-soalan yang tak dapat jawap 1-2 tu examiner akan pejam mata je. Kalau tak, perghh sampai mati diorang ingat kesalahan korang. hahaha.

Ok, bila tiba time short case, aku dapat examiner yang tak berapa aku suka. Kena soal memang soalan basic. Tak apa lagi. Tapi bila dicop "serious sikit boleh?" terus confident level aku jatuh menjunam macam saham jatuh. Dan terus menerus thought blocked. Hampeh!. Aku= Tak serious? Pelik sungguh. Erghh! Hanya mohon untuk lulus short case aku. -Bengang-

So far aku rasa la, bila nak menjawab oral question, confident mesti ada walaupun tak de la tahu banyak benda pun, because, bila confident, korang dapat berfikir yang rational.

Moga confident time professional exam 25 hb 6 ni. Amin!