Salam and a very Good Evening..
January, begining of 2010 (dah nak habis bulan January dah pun hahaha)
5 weeks since the last time I doodled something here and today I'll do the same. Haha.
The journey to the West ended last week after having patient with low lying placenta as my long case (which was unexpected) and gestational diabetes mellitus patient came to be induced (which was expected). So yeah, even the cases were easy (as ABC-my friend said), but due to adrenaline rushed and wrongly attached to the receptors, my vertebral and spinal arteries were constricted and became hypoxia. So, you can predict the rest..
Owing to 23 years of life, I'm not sure... I need His light.
New spirit! Ethos!
"Ibnu Mas'ud berkata yang bermaksud: Perkara yang paling sedih bila tibanya tahun baru, umurku bertambah tetapi amalanku tidak bertambah"
So, jom berusaha!! Gambate!
"Every accomplishment starts with decision to try"- unknown
Next week, GP (General Practitioner a.k.a kerja kat klinik) posting. Okey, so, my to-do-lists:
Friday: Ignite my 'engine' + do other work
Saturday: Go to gear 1 + other work
Sunday: Speed to gear 3 + blablabla
Monday until next posting: Proceed with gear 6 (Oh, my Mini Cooper has gear 6 hahaha) and remain still.
Nota Kaki:
Do I need to postpone my writing for the next posting? Hah. I donno
Oh by the way, just a reminder for all of us, even we are at home during daytime, don't forget to activate your house alarm system. Hah! I hate burglars!
salam ziarah,
3rd pic tu nk buat wallppr desktop bole? haha..
gOod luckss okay gne gear 6 mini coop tu :)
Syafiq: ohhh harap maaf kehkehkeh anda dilarang :P
yo! besday kaw dh lepas? sori ah. ak duk bz time tuh. hepi besday wey tua dah kaw. hahaha. gmbr ko makin mantap weyh. sedey ak tgk (sedey sbb diri ak tk improve2, apatah hilang byk skill) huuu~ smga impian2 anda tercapai yek.
ohh apisan. aku tak mantap dowh. tadi g outing dengan kawan pastu aku seronok je tgk org tangkap gamba, aku tak reti ah (T.T)
oi2...salam..lame dh aq xdtg sni...
aza...pic kamu itu sgt cun ok.. hakhak =p
btw bbrpe ari yg lps aq br tersedar
yg sesungguhnye aq telah telupe nak wish besday ko....haha ape punye kawan da... 22hb tu ari ape pn aq lupe...oh, hari aq jalan2 naik kl tower....sronok sgt, ptut la lupe.. hou...sorry beb! ^^
Rasheeq: :P happy besday kat kamu jugak :P
ndea: ni mmg nak kene denda ni hahahaha :P kaw g kl tower?? asal tak ajak~~ kalaw tak bley jadi model hahahah