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As the title implies, today (6th of Dec) is the 30th anniversary of my parents. Semoga Mami & Babah kekal bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat~ and on the 4th of Dec was my mum's birthday. Happy birthday mami!!~ :D muuuaahhh to both of you.

Tetiba teringat kat persoalan salah seorang dari senior ku, dia tanya

"Kenapa ha kalaw staff nurse suruh teran kat patient kita pon nak teran sekali?"

Jawapannya: Reflex tpkan kalaw difikirkan, Allah nak suruh kita rasakan macam mana rasa "sakit" yang dialami oleh ibu-ibu yang telah melahirkan kita kat dunia ni. Astaghfirullah al-azim! Sakit yang sangat! Sayangilah parents kita macam mana diorang sayang kat kita.

Teringat kat seorang sahabat ni, dia buat course nursing kat UIA Kuantan. Bayangkan everyweek balik rumah dia kat KL. Nak kata dekat tak jugak. Penah jugak aku bertanya kat kakak sahabat ni

"Eiisshh biar benar akak balik tetiap minggu. Tak penat ke?"

Kakak ni pun reply

"Nak dibandingkan dengan apa yang parents kita dah buat kat kita, apa yang kita buat ni sebenarnya kecil sahaja"

Tersentuh juga hati kecil ni. Aku setuju dengan apa yang kakak ni cakap. Aku pernah juga dilabelkan sebagai Manja sebab tetiap minggu balik, kadang-kadang tu weekdays pun aku rembat balik bangi tapi tak kesah la apa yang orang nak cakap, selagi diorang masih bernyawa, selagi tu akan aku akan cuba kerapkan diri ni untuk balik.

This is indicative of the importance of honouring one’s parents and treating them well. Honouring one’s parents means obeying them, respecting them, praying for them, lowering one's voice in their presence, smiling at them, lowering the wing of humility to them, not showing displeasure towards them, striving to serve them, fulfilling their wishes, consulting them, listening to what they say, not being stubborn towards them and respecting their friends both during their lifetime and after they have died. That also includes not travelling without their permission, not sitting in a place higher than theirs, not starting to eat before they do, and not showing preference to your wife or child over them. Honouring them also means visiting them, offering them gifts, thanking them for bringing you up and treating you kindly when you were small and after you grew up. It also means striving to reduce the arguments between them, by offering sincere advice and reminding them as much as you can, and making excuses to the one who is wronged, and saying and doing things to calm them down.

Nota Kaki:

1) Love our parents to the maximum!

2) Maap! gamba dah ketandusan idea! :p
3) Maap lagi sebb tak reti berbahasa-basi kukuku ;))

(2) Comments

  1. Syafiq Azuan On December 6, 2008 at 10:13 PM

    Selamat ulang tahun kepada makcik dan pakcik.:D

    Razali On September 8, 2009 at 9:59 PM

    Big applause to them! Congratulations!


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